Michael Zach


  • 1996: Established as a lawyer 
  • 2005: Practice as a specialist lawyer for medical law 
  • 2008: Speaker for medical societies, associations, and medical device manufacturers 
  • 2010: Author of numerous publications, including on the topics of cost unit management, medical fee law, therapeutic product advertising law, and medical device law 
  • Since 2013: publisher of the eBook "Digitale Medizin – analoges Recht"[Digital medicine – analogue law] 
  • Since 2014: Co-author of the juris practice report on medical law 
  • 2020: Author of "Urteile und Rechtsprechung zur Kostenerstattung in der Refraktiven und Katarakt-Chirurgie (2006–2020)" [Judgements and case law on cost reimbursement in refractive and cataract surgery], 2nd Edition, 2020
  • Since 2021: Lecturer at the German Lawyers’ Academy (DAA) in advanced training for lawyers in medical and insurance law
  • Abstract

    Legal Aspects of Function in Orthodontics

    The law is increasingly focussing on temporomandibular joint disorders. For example, 80% of the population suffer from craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD); of these 4% require treatment. Failure to perform the required functional analysis prior to orthodontics or prosthetics qualifies as a standard deviation. The group of people entitled to a reimbursement for orthodontic treatment in adulthood is extended if there is an adverse effect on weight or there is reason to fear one. Baden-Württemberg has announced that orthodontics is to be reimbursed within the framework of the allowance, regardless of age, "if the misalignment is associated with major consequential problems". Since 2012, initial functional planning has been given greater weight by No. 0040 GOZ (fee schedule for dentists). Should functional considerations be taken into account for every intended change in occlusion or bite position, even if the patient’s insurance does not include them in their catalogue of services? How can these measures be reconciled? What is recommended for the documentation? How do Nos. 7000 and 8000 GOZ relate to No. 6000 GOZ? 

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